Our Team

Hi! I’m Amy, and I dye pretty yarn.

My favorite number is three. I have three kids, three dogs, and it’s just always been that lucky number. Tulips are my absolute favorite flower, so “Three Tulips” seemed like a natural name for this little business born from a passion for color and, of course, for sock yarn.

I’ve been knitting for the last 18 years, but I haven’t always been able to spend my days experimenting with yarn. My time to knit came between raising my kids and working as a dental hygienist full-time, and socks became a favorite because they’re the perfect portable project.

When COVID-19 hit our area hard, I stepped away from the office and found opportunities to explore and learn more about fiber, color theory, spent time teaching and mentoring other local sock knitters, and really rediscovered the joy that comes from that one dreamy skein.

I love the idea of micro-batched yarn. Like unique wine or microbrewed beer that’s so popular these days, the colors you see here now may (or may not) come back around…and that’s the beauty of it. It means that I can keep playing, learning, and imagining possibilities - and so can you. Thanks for getting to know me, and I’m so excited to see what you create!

Meet the Boys…

  • Murphy


    Murphy joined our family over 7 years ago and very quickly owned all our hearts. His sweet little face and soft snuggles may try to fool you, he is truly the one running our household. He is a VERY bossy and EXTREMELY picky little man! We adore him and he makes us laugh with his sass!!

  • Henry


    Sweet Henry became our second pup 6 years ago and he brings the most JOY! He loves so hard and brings such excitement to our family. Henry loves to eat and play, his zoomies are outstanding! He greets us with the fastest little nub tail wagging you can imagine. He is a little gem even if he is our biggest pup.

  • Winston


    Our newest addition who will be turning 3 this January is full of exciting joy. He has added the spark to our day-to-day, he snuggles with Murphy and chases Henry when he gets the zoomies. He loves to be in the middle of my knitting and adores his knitted sweaters, he is totally knit worthy!